Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NSBA Website- Ed Leadership Tool Kit

Change-  It is inevitable.  Especially in technology.  The NSBA website has a ton of useful information.  Why technology and Why many different ideas for supporting the funding and educational use of technology.  I really liked the quotes from many famous people of how they thought that technology would not amount to much or would fizzle out.  This website has very useful information to a technology committee and administrative team.   I believe a school board might be overwhelmed with all of the information that is detailed in the website, but the administration could sure summarize some key points to be presented before the board.  It is key to understand that technology is here to stay and that we as educators, need to invest time, money and the future into technology to enhance education.   The ironic piece is that it says the Educational Leadership Tool Kit was written in 1997.  This is a long way from the present.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CEO Forum

I would to have to say that this information was very informative and directive in leading the charge for technology for the schools.  I also have a concern of how overwhelming the reports and website could potentially be to a person.  The reports, although very detailed...are too much for the ordinary person. 

For the school sup or the tech coordinator this is a useful resource to keep the school moving in the right direction.  I thought the information was very useful and particularly thought the direction to help schools and students prepare for educating for the 21st Century skills. 

I downloaded each of the reports and looked over all of them a little along with the getting a better understanding of the STaR Chart.  I think these reports and website info would help a technology committee a great deal to see what areas need improvement and what areas that too much money and focus is being put on.  Once again, the reality is how to reach what is expected with the limited funds a school districts receive.

Monday, September 13, 2010

School Websites

What are your reactions to the websites you looked at?
All of these websites have interesting ways to lay out their content.  I have done a great deal of research in websites when I took over as the webmaster here at Sioux Valley.

• Is a website like this useful to a school district?
I am always looking for ways to improve our school website.  I ask myself sometime if there are areas that are not necessary to have on a website. A website is useful, but needs to be maintained and updated as to not be outdated so those viewing it are always seeing factual and present information.  That is the hard thing: Five minutes after you update your website it is old.

• Is it worth the time and effort to establish and maintain such a website?
I feel is well worth the time.  The trick to find that time and pay someone for it....some bigger schools have a full time webmaster...which is not practical in most school districts.  It can be frustrating to have very little time to do this task.

• What is the condition of your school’s website?
I would give our school website a 7 out of 10.  I have made many improvements, but have several more things in mind to make it better.  We have frontpage and I would like to update the software to make the website more user friendly and to have more options.

• What information should be included in a school website?
Useful information and information that will enhance and promote the district and all it's programs and activities both academic and extra-curricular.  I see more and more groups affiliated with the school (booster club, music masters, etc...) that are using this to get their information out to the public.

• What role should the superintendent have with the school website?
I think a superintendent's vision should include the website...I can see that person giving detailed instructions of how he or she would like to lay out the website to be and I would also like to see a Supe's Up or weekly blog or bulletin on the website.  This is a great way to extend the communication of the school and the community.

• Should each teacher be required to have a link on the school website that contains information about their classes (such as assignments, web resources, etc)?
I think it would be useful....but again the trick is to keep it fresh and updated.  Having a certain day and time to update the website is always helpful. Once the website is set up, then all of those who view and use it will expect it to be updated regularly.

• How can students be involved creating and maintaining a school website?
I think students can be a useful resource in a school's website.  It would be important to have a supervisor to make sure the quality of work is top notch and that the website is not being mistreated in any way...the hope is that the students would help out a great deal and that students would not damage the website for those that use it.  They would enjoy this very much I believe I think many school use this as part of their curriculum.