Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CEO Forum

I would to have to say that this information was very informative and directive in leading the charge for technology for the schools.  I also have a concern of how overwhelming the reports and website could potentially be to a person.  The reports, although very detailed...are too much for the ordinary person. 

For the school sup or the tech coordinator this is a useful resource to keep the school moving in the right direction.  I thought the information was very useful and particularly thought the direction to help schools and students prepare for educating for the 21st Century skills. 

I downloaded each of the reports and looked over all of them a little along with the getting a better understanding of the STaR Chart.  I think these reports and website info would help a technology committee a great deal to see what areas need improvement and what areas that too much money and focus is being put on.  Once again, the reality is how to reach what is expected with the limited funds a school districts receive.

1 comment:

  1. 9/10 points
    The CEO Forum does contain alot of information. And, it can be a bit overwhelming. I agree with you that this information is useful for administrators and technology directors. The STaR Chart is a great resource for the technology committee to use together to identify the current status of the school. Of all the information found on this site, I like the report that highlights the need for strong curriculoum and better assessments.
