Friday, October 15, 2010


Assignment 1: In your blog, reflect on these questions concerning copyright.
Does your school district have a Copyright Policy?

Here are our policies regarding Copyright:

Software Libraries
Software is provided to students as a curricular resource. No staff member may install, upload or download software without the expressed consent of the system administrator. Any software having the purpose of damaging other members’ accounts or the District network (e.g., computer viruses) is specifically prohibited. The system administrator’s, at their sole discretion, further reserve the right to immediately terminate the account or take other action consistent with the District’s discipline code of a member who misuses the software libraries. Licensed software is defined as software programs for which the Sioux Valley School District has purchased either single or network licenses or is freeware available for use without the purchase of a specific license (i.e. Adobe
Acrobat Reader). No unlicensed software shall be loaded onto District computers.

Copyrighted Material
Copyrighted material must not be placed on any system connected to the network without the author’s permission. Only the owner(s) or persons they specifically authorize may upload copyrighted material to the system. Members may download copyrighted material for their own use. Any member may also non-commercially redistribute a copyrighted program with the expressed permission of the owner or authorized
person. Permission must be specified in the document, on the system, or must be obtained directly from the author.

Peer-to-Peer Sharing (P2P) Services
The use of P2P services (i.e. Kazaa, Morpheus, Grokster, etc.) is by nature used to download copyrighted material without the consent of the copyright owner. The use of these services is not appropriate for an educational facility and is therefore prohibited.

Use of recordable CD-ROM drives and other portable drives
Use of recordable CD-ROM drives is to enhance the education of students and to allow greater storage on this media. Drives are not to be used to make duplicate copies of copyrighted material (e.g. programs, music CDs) without the expressed permission of the copyright holder. The system administrator’s, at their sole discretion, further reserve the right to immediately terminate the account or take other action consistent with the District’s discipline code of a member who misuses this capability.

Public Posting Areas (Message Boards/Usenet Groups)
UseNet messages are posted from systems connected to the Internet around the world and the Sioux Valley School District administrators have no control of the content of messages posted from these other systems. To best utilize system resources, the system administrators will determine which UseNet groups are most applicable to
the curricular needs of the school district and will carry these groups on the local system. The system administrators, at their sole discretion, may remove messages posted locally that are deemed to be unacceptable or in violation of the Terms and Conditions. The system administrators, at their sole discretion, further reserve the right to immediately terminate the account of a member who misuses the message boards or UseNet groups.

Real-time, interaction communication areas
The use of real-time conference and instant messaging features available on many systems is seen as inappropriate use of time and resources and in many cases used for non-educational purposes. The use of these features is therefore deemed inappropriate. Real time audio/video connections drastically reduce the bandwidth of the District’s Internet connection and therefore are prohibited except when performed as a class project on a centrally located computer and are coordinated with the Network Administrator as to not interfere with the needs of other staff members.

Electronic Mail
Electronic Mail (e-mail) is a private message sent by or to a member in correspondence with another person having Internet mail access. The Sioux Valley School District provides e-mail services to staff members for use in performance their professional responsibilities. E-mail is not to be used to send/receive information which would be considered abusive, profane or sexually offensive to an average person, or which, without the approval of the system administrators, contains any advertising or any solicitation of other members to use goods or services. The user agrees not to use the facilities and capabilities of the system to conduct any business or solicit the performance of any activity prohibited by law. Spam is defined to be unsolicited emails of nonprofessional content sent to multiple addresses in a user’s address book. The forwarding of this material puts a great strain on the email resources of the District. While the Sioux Valley School District cannot control the receipt of such emails, the forwarding of such material such as chain letter/emails is prohibited. Electronic Mail (e-mail) is not a secure communication and can be read by unknown parties and therefore no confidential material should be sent by this means. The system administrators, at their sole discretion, further reserve the right to monitor, read, and reproduce any messages that are using the District facilities. The system administrators, at their sole discretion, reserve the right to immediately terminate the account of a member who misuses e-mail services and to deal with the misuse in accordance with District discipline policies.
• Does that Copyright Policy need to be updated to reflect technology issues?
I think the above material covers most of our areas of technology that we have. 
Does your school district follow copyright laws?

I would say that we follow the copyright laws and if they are ever violated, it would most likely be without knowing that is a violation. 
What are your feelings about copyright laws?

There are many good things about copyright laws however, many people are in the dark about the specifics.  There are times when people record or copy things for educational use and unfortunately people think that this is okay.  The fact of the mater is, that when copyrights get abused badly and money is made from copying items, that is when it seems to have a illegal impact.  There is more to copyrights then many people know and that is what leads to the major law breaking issues with regards to copyright.

1 comment:

  1. 10/10 points
    I agree with you that your district is in pretty good shape with the policies that you have in regard to copyright laws. Most districts do not have these policies put in place. You also bring up a good point that professional develpoment is needed so staff understand copyright laws. Also, curriculum should be put in place so students understand what is, and is not, appropriate in regards to copyright. With the emergence of technology, copryight laws are even more important than they were in the past.
