Saturday, October 2, 2010

Quiz #1

1) Why should a school district have a website?  What should be on that site?

    I believe that the website is the bridge linking the community, parents and students to everything thing that is going on within the school.  Society is all about convenience and a school website is an easy way to fit this need.  At the touch of a button the numerous resources can be accessed and thus creating an involvement that was not there in the past years.
    The content that goes on a school website is something that often overlooked.  Many people think that everything possible should be able to be accessed there.  I have a hard time with some areas of the school website that could possibly give too much information to those that may use it in a negative way.  By posting class schedules, handbooks (that include lock down procedures) may be enabling someone that is looking to harm students or staff.  Among some of the useful tools are: Grade Books, School/Lunch calendars, school announcements, homework hotlines, results of school activities...just to name a few.   School websites are definitely a tool that is useful in they are managed and monitored efficiently.

2) How do administrators and school boards keep a current vision of technology and the future? 
    I feel the NSBA website and its resources provide a lot of information to help schools to include administrators and board members on the big picture when it comes to technology.  The technology committee in a school can really lean on the resources provided by these two site to help their vision to facilitate the technology into something that can be applicable to the education of students.
    As we have touched on in class, too often the time and money is spent on what we need in classroom for educational purposes and we oversee the importance of know how to use the technology effectively and to be able to use it in our classroom and throughout the future.

3) What information from the CEO Forum website is most useful?  How can that information be used?
   The different visions that are laid out to address the area of 21st Century learning skills are spelled out in the Ed tool kit.  The StAr chart is perfect for being able to assess your school's snapshot with regards to technology and how well it is being utilized.  This in turn, will help to address a school's needs, wants and where they fall presently. 
    I have a concern of what areas of technology we need to be focused on.   This research used in the CEO Forum clearly gives schools a better sense of direction to where they should be at with technology in education.

4) What are Web 2.0 tools? How can these tools be used by schools to enhance classroom instruction?

    These tools include blogs, wiki spaces and podcasts.  I am sure that there will be more in the future to go along with these tools.  The main thing that they do is provide a better connection of communication between the students and the learning environment.  Web 2.0 tools also enhance the methods of delivering instruction. 
    These areas are sure to take off in the future even more than now.  The students have a good background and an even greater interest in technology.  This allows them to be able to connect even more so than in the past.
5) What is CyberBullying?  What can school do to help prevent CyberBullying?

     CyberBullying is a form of bullying that involves the use of some form of technology.  It can be done via cell phone, email, or internet.  I am sure there are other ways that will be soon discovered that people bully each other using the internet. 
     I believe the best to way to prevent CyberBullying is to educate people about it.  We need to educate the students, staff, parents and everyone involved.  Some people are doing it and do not even know that it is being done.  Others do not think that it is a problem at all.  By educating everyone involved about CyberBullying, it helps us use our time better towards learning in the classroom and addressing knowledge based areas.

I hope this is long and thorough enough, as I lost half of it while doing it the first time.  Let me know if I need to resubmit anything.

1 comment:

  1. Moe,
    I am sorry that you had to type this quiz up twice, because of network issues.
    91/100 points – A
    Question 1: 19/20 points
    I agree with you that a school website is a great way for a school to stay connected to the community. It provides good public relations, entices families to move into the district, expands the pool of job applicants for open positions, and models the effective use of technology. You make a good point about being careful what is being put on a school website. However, most generally all information that a school has should be available on the website. I especially like links to alumni and a community foundation (if one is available). It is a good way to stay connected to past graduates.
    Question 2: 18/20 points
    The NSBA website is valuable to technology committees. School boards are especially likely to pay attention to information from their parent organization website. School leaders need to be life-long learners. They can keep up-to-date by reading publications, researching information on the web, and by attending professional development events, such as the TIE Conference. A technology committee is also an important group to have meeting regularly to help keep key leaders current.
    Question 3: 17/20 points
    The STaR Chart is a great tool for technology committees to use when assessing the current status of technology in their school. The four reports found on the CEO Forum go over all of the important information needed to utilize technology effectively in schools. I especially like the focus put on the need for quality curriculum and improved assessments. The bottom line of this website is that technology resources need to be connected to school improvement goals.
    Question 4: 18/20 points
    Web 2.0 tools allow users to create and interact with web content. This engages and motivates students. Schools and teachers should be taking full advantage of these technology tools. Yet, many schools block these powerful learning tools.
    Question 5: 19/20 points
    I agree with you that education is the key to dealing with cyberbullying. Staff need to understand how devastating this type of behavior is to students. And, students need to understand the ramifications of using technology tools to taunt people. A school should also have a good cyberbullying policy in place, so that students that bully others in this way face some stiff consequences.
